Friday, April 29, 2011

If you live in a bubble, it is impossible to miss the art and culture of Edinburgh!

!9# If you live in a bubble, it is impossible to miss the art and culture of Edinburgh!

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Edinburgh is a city rich in museums, art galleries and theaters. If you are really hungry vulture in search of culture, Edinburgh is the medium.

Masterpieces from the Renaissance to modern, elegant sculptures of impressive monuments, fascinating exhibits, antique cabinets full of whiskey and fabulous gardens craft theatrical productions, Edinburgh is the capital of art and culture throughout Scotland!

If you have an interest in art, National GalleryResorts and the Scottish National Galleries of Modern Art held in front of the screen for hours.

More than a passion for architecture? Try to go up or even Walter Scott Monument on Princes Street and get to know one of the greatest sons of Scotland.

could evoke more plants, trees and flowers as well as your imagination, take a relaxing stroll around the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, a mile north of downtown.

Learn more about the fascinating rootsScotland we know today in the Museum of Scotland, before a round barrel through your own small distillery in the Scotch Whisky Experience.

When the sun goes down, why not check out an exciting theatrical production and day out at the Edinburgh Festival Theatre Edinburgh Playhouse is not it?

The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

Just a mile north of downtown on Inverleith Row, the Royal Botanic Garden covers 70 acres of landscaped parkland.Whether you're a gardening or not, is the ideal place to relax.

The Royal Botanic Garden is 330 years and has an international reputation for plant science and education in the field of horticulture.

When you walk through the botanical, we meet a fascinating series of world-famous attractions. The Queen Mother Memorial Garden was opened in 2006 to commemorate the real popular. His garden is designed in a very creativeSo that is sent to all visitors, in a sense the effect queen mother to the nation to address the people.

The Royal Botanic Garden is the largest collection of Chinese plants outside China. For those who want to experience the landscape of the Scottish Highlands, the Scottish Heath Garden offers a small representation of the landscape of the Highlands.

The Rock Garden has won international recognition for its collection of over 5,000 alpine plants and165 meters long herbaceous border. In addition, the Royal Botanic Garden, a number of greenhouses. The Victorian Palm House and Temperate Windows on the World Greenhouses are very impressive. Windows on the World is home to about one percent of all known flowering plants and ferns Cyad. Try to count them all! Or pronounce their names!

It costs nothing to the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh makes it more attractive for an afternoon in forceWalk. If you want to explore the greenhouses, there is a small fee. An adult is £ 4.50, is a grant of £ 3.50 and the price of a child (aged 5 to 16) is £ 1.20. There is also a family ticket for two adults and up to 4 children, which will cost £ 9.50.

Lothian Buses number 8, 23 and 27 all run from downtown to the East Gate on Inverleith Row. The gardens open at 10 clock throughout the year and close at 19:00 from April to September. In the monthsMarch and October, the closing time is 6 clock in the evening from November to February the gardens close to 04:00.

The Scotch Whisky Experience

Those who know all about the water of life and those who remain clueless something new about our national drink and a very important export Scotch Whisky Experience .... and have a run-of fun at the same time!

Located literally a stone's throw from Edinburgh Castle at the head of the Royal Mile, the Scotch WhiskyExperience is the place to know one of the most important aspects of Scottish culture.

If you're like me and know almost nothing about the distillation, which creates this delicious nectar, is doing a distillery only replica that will give you insight into the needs you!

Even Whisky connoisseurs will of the stories behind the discovery of these are excited at the drop of heaven!

Whisky experts are ready to educate you, answer your questions anddiscuss the fine points if you are already impressive to read!

The best thing about Scotch Whisky is the range of flavors, the intensity and character are available. Although I am not a stickler, there's a whiskey for you! The experts of whiskey by the Scotch Whisky Experience is available from the discovery of supporting the perfect single malt whiskey.

What's more - the Scotch Whisky Experience is proud to offer the largest Whisky collection in the world. This is aimpressive experience with nearly 3,500 different Scottish whiskey right before your eyes.

Scotch Whisky Experience is closed only on Christmas Day. From September to May, open 10 clock and close at 18:00 with the last tour beginning at 17:00. During the summer months of June, July and August when demand is particularly high, the doors are open from 9.30 abandoned clock with a 6:30, last tour at 5:30 clock.

There are three different tours offered, each with its ownCharacteristics. E 'la-Tour d'Argent, the Giro d'Oro and the Collection Tour As expected, prices vary for each tour. There are also prizes for large groups. I should check the admission to the official site to find the rates that apply to your situation.

And to answer the all important question .... Yes, you have a DRAM (glass of whiskey) on the tour!

The Museum of Scotland

A short walk along George IV Bridge byThe Royal Mile leading to the National Museum of Scotland to take striking sandstone facade Moray.

This modern building houses the Museum of Scotland and the Victorian building next door is the Royal Museum. Together they form the National Museum of Scotland, even if they have two separate entrances.

The National Museum opened its doors in 1998 with a focus on history, people and culture of Scotland. This museum, locals and tourists interested inalso because of the extensive collection of articles about Scotland's people, history and culture.

Flags that have been in the battle of Culloden, prehistoric jewelry, paintings and works by Scottish artists, fascinated by all visitors to the Museum of Scotland.

Those of you, to get a detailed picture of the origins of Scotland we know today feel very at home at the Museum of Scotland is looking for. The museum is open 7 days a week and 10:00 to 17:00Admission is free! So actually there is no excuse to stay away!

The Walter Scott Monument

This Victorian Gothic stone to the great Scottish writer Sir Walter Scott, probably the most important and recognizable landmarks on Princes Street.

Sir Walter Scott was an author of great historic success at the turn of the 19th Century. His works were much admired in the British Isles, North America, Australia and Europe. Scott's most popular novelsinclude Ivanhoe, The Heart of Midlothian, Waverley and Rob Roy. Together with Robert Burns, Scottish writer Scott generally the most influential of all time.

After his death in 1832 a competition was held for a monument to his life and works that recall still relatively unknown, amateur architect George Meikle Kemp won design. In 1844, four years after the monument was built. Unfortunately, Mr. Kemp was not present for the opening of his masterpieceUnion Canal in the tragic drowning in an accident.

The Scott Monument was originally gold, but it has become almost black because of air quality, notoriously poor in Victorian Edinburgh. E 'possible, the Scott Monument in the way of 287 steps, although often climb the tower is closed for maintenance. If you can do to make your way to the top, you can enjoy the stunning views of Edinburgh Castle and the city center.

Situnder the tower between the four pillars is a marble statue of Sir Walter Scott, with a pen in his hand and his dog Maida beside him. During a visit to the Scott Monument, you may wonder what Sir Walter would have thought of Edinburgh in the 21st century, while looking at the Princes Street ...

The National Gallery Complex

The National Gallery complex includes the National Gallery of Scotland and Royal Scottish Academy Building. The buildings are located in an area of ​​landbetween the two sides of Princes Street Gardens. The Royal Scottish Academy on Princes Street at the National Gallery is directly behind it.

Both neo-classical galleries in the 19th century by William Henry Playfair, a leading Scottish architects of the time developed. But in 1912 it was rebuilt by William Thomas Oldrieve.

In 2004, the "Weston Link, that allows the visitor concluded between the two tunnels are accessed through an undergroundConcourse.

The options for storage and study of the National Gallery are enormously impressive. The gallery has a collection of 30,000 graphic works from the Renaissance to the end of the nineteenth century.

The National Gallery and the Royal Scottish Academy's art collection includes works by Monet, Constable, Rembrandt, Botticelli, Da Vinci and Van Gogh In addition to these works by international artists, galleries have also Scotland's largest andmost important works of art on display.

Entry into the National Gallery Complex is free and can these incredible art works 7 days a week from 10:00 a 05:00 clock. Thursday ', the galleries are open until 07:00. In August, the gallery is open until 6:00 to accommodate the largest number of visitors. The galleries are only 25 and December 26. If up and over on 1 January will happen, the galleries are open 0:00 to 5:00 watch!

The ScottishNational Gallery of Modern Art

The Scottish Gallery of Modern Art moved to Edinburgh from Inverleith House, Royal Botanic Garden in Belford Road, in New Town in 1984.

The striking neoclassical building in 1825, with well-tended garden, which is now built the house of sculptures by Barbara Hepworth, Rachel Whiteread, Tony Cragg and Henry Moore among others.

Across the street is the Dean Gallery, named after thedistrict near Dean Village. This is the sister of the Scottish Gallery of Modern Art Gallery. Formerly a hospital, an orphan, has opened its doors to the Dean Gallery in 1999 to visit his sister gallery collection of Dada and Surrealism, as well as sculptures by Eduardo Paolozzi.

The Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art has an extensive collection of works by famous artists such as Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Lucien Freud, Andy Warhol and British leaderArtist Tracey Emin.

The galleries are in an idyllic location in the new city near Dean Village. You can walk on foot through the West End of Princes Street, Shandwick Place long before Palmerston Place. This road takes you on Belford Road and a bridge to take. Both galleries are on this road.

As with the National Gallery of Scotland, and admission is free. The galleries are only 25 and December 26. The opening hours are10.00 bis 17.00 clock. During the high season in August, the galleries open until 6:00. For those who want some masterpieces in order to start the new year, the galleries open from 12 am to 17:00 January 1st Clock!

If you live in a bubble, it is impossible to miss the art and culture of Edinburgh!

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Eagle's Nest - The Nest of Hitler

!9# Eagle's Nest - The Nest of Hitler

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I ensure that I disagree with all the sympathies of readers with the Nazis - is the story that fascinates me. The Nazis used many historical myths, including one on Hyperborea, the country was of the immortals. The Nazis had an esoteric - occult beliefs with the beliefs in a super man, Hollow Earth, a thousand-year Reich, and has dug in many other ancient myths, including Shambhala.

The eagle, the symbol of Germany, is one of the oldest symbols of Europe.After a large portrait of Hitler on the Obersalzberg Documentation Center, I noticed that the whiskers with a resemblance to this bird - it consists of three parts, left and right wings of the eagle ('s mustache), the body lying in the middle. The Hitler's Eagle's Nest is therefore of the nest. Thousands of visitors come here every day to enjoy this fascinating building of the Third Reich.

The Eagle's Nest, Eagle's Nest or German, is a bizarre construction thatwas built as Hitler's tea house and a unique view of the mountains on top of the Eagle 1834 meters (6148 feet) above sea level and above Berchtesgaden, a beautiful German city in Bavaria. Adolf Hitler received this view on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday April 20, 1939, although it was over a year earlier (1938).

Berchtesgaden, where Nazi officials had their super-human residences and shelters, is a mountainous region, a few miles offBerchtesgaden. Specially adapted bus from Obersalzberg road winding through five tunnels and rooms near the top of the Eagle.

If you look out the window of this special bus for the dangerous winding road, you see a great chasm, and you can be sure that the collision, the bus can get to know a few hundred feet below. The road was then closed to all public access. Falling into the abyss is the undisputable Traveldeath. For pain of such a dangerous road, buses are adapted and renewed engines and transmission braking systems. All the tourists on their way to sit on the bus. The buses run only during the summer. However, no incident has taken place since the Eagle's Nest was opened to the public.

Take one of these buses on a separate bus parking in Obersalzberg. The departure time is marked on the ticket. Buses leave from the parking lot at the bottom: 9.20, 9.24,10:10, 10.35, 11.00, 11.25, 11.50, 12.15, 12.40, 13.05 13.30, 13.55, 14.20, 14.45, 15.10, 15.35, 16.00 and 'clock (the last bus).

After the rise of winding road that ends at about 800 feet above the Obersalzberg, arrive in a place with a beautiful view - the arrival of buses Eagle / starting area or the parking level, where the ticket with the mark must be expected return time. If you do not expect anything to eat in the restaurant atop the mountain,stay one hour is sufficient. Then there are the tunnel 124 meters long at the end of which is a special elevator that takes you up the Nazi brass at the top of a wave of 124 meters into the rock on Vista, and Eagle's Nest Eagle's Nest restaurant.

The lift works on Nazi-technology - the engine and telephone since World War II. They work surprisingly well, as expected Nazi ideologues, that the Third Reich last 1000 years. The qualitythe work is palpable. Going through the rocks 41 seconds in an elevator is somewhat 'anxious, but it's worth worrying as a counterweight to the spectacular view from the summit, where the mass of the mountains and the lower Watzmann (the third highest mountain in Germany do with 2713 meters the highest mountain in Germany is the Zugspitze, at 2,962 meters; Hochwanner is the second highest mountain with 2746 meters). If you have a good time as I had,See also Salzburg, the birthplace of Mozart, and Königssee, a lake of dazzling depth of 200 meters, 2000 meters of rocks surrounded by high mountains.

The Documentation Center (a museum of incomparable history Nazi) was founded after the year 1995 when the U.S. government returned the Obersalzberg in the Bavarian state government. Until then, Obersalzberg as an amenity area for the American soldiers who served have remained in Germany after the Second World War. However, the Americans have given the Eagles Nestthe Bavarian government, for once. The Allied bombing raids not the end of World War II damage the Eagle's Nest and thanks to former Governor Jacob, Eagle's Nest was spared from destruction after the war. In 1960 the Bavarian government has gained control of the building and then in the hands of a trust that all income was guaranteed for charitable purposes.

Unfortunately, many people do not know much about the Nazi occult beliefs knowledge. In hisAccording monologue in February 1942, Hitler said that his residence in Obersalzberg - Berghof was "Grail". This suggests a certain connection to the Holy Grail and the Templars. A few days before the end of the war, some people reported seeing strange land for SS convoys headed for the Zillertal Alps (a mountain range to the Austrian and Italian border), where on the road to cycle Geiss glaciers buried the argument that some boxes deep in the ice somewhere in the vicinity of a precipice. Some esotericThe authors claim that the Holy Grail here.

The buses to the Eagle's Nest: a walk in the park near Obersalzberg Documentation Centre on the site (all Obersalzberg was bombed at the end of World War II) of a sinister house of Martin Bormann. Martin Bormann was a senior Nazi official who organized the construction of the Eagle's Nest. Many bunkers are here. If you buy a ticket to the museum, some of these bunkers are available. The ruins of the Berghof, Hitler's residence,can go after five minutes on foot to the left when viewed from the main entrance of the documentation center.

The Berchtesgaden area to hide many secrets, some of which are connected with the mass of sub-mount between Berchtesgaden and Salzburg. The lower mountain is a source of unearthly legends of humans and dwarves underground. The Templars had their alleged secret temple of the goddess here, Jesse and men of the Black Stone (DHvSS built - The Lords ofBlack Stone), a secret society organized in Germany, the alleged secret meetings here. Another secret of Berchtesgaden is a magnetic anomaly, which is similar to that measured around Mt. Shasta in the United States and Mount Kailash in Tibet.

They have a wonderful view of the mountain from lower Eagle's Nest. Hitler was this mass of mountains, and every time obsessed to the top of 'Aquila, he saw with his telescope.

There are many reports of disappearancesUnterberg and accounts similar to those we hear from the Bermuda Triangle - the time shift watching people or people disappear completely.

Jim Marrs in his book "The Sisterhood Of The Rose says the Eagle's Nest with secret societies" and also be aware that their positions are not random. The tunnel 124 meters long and the shaft length of 124 meters into the rock you must have a sense that the number was 124 not chosen at random. Perhaps we have stumbled on the thresholdmatics theo - a science that show that "God's math figures" are not tempted by the case. Although the Nazis have completely turned away from God with their atrocities, much of their occult beliefs, nor the public was not exposed. The prediction that survive the Third Reich will be in 1,000 years is no doubt a thousand years of the reign of God, prophesied in the Bible-based.

Theo Matic works with the numerical interpretation of the Bible (and other holy books). ThisScience is based on the fact that each letter of the greek and Hebrew has its number is based. 124 so that the number of Eden. The aim of the Nazis dug up this myth about their primordial dark occult ideas was based, as they believed the first earthly Eden Garden of the Aryan race, the runners were, the Germans - the first proto-Germanic tribes. Educated people know that the swastika is an ancient symbol used in Buddhism and Hinduism still, even today, and Hitlerbecause he believed that the Aryan race, was also used. The Germans, on the basis of these convictions, has sent an official expedition to Tibet in search of old links that explain how the German nation would have originated. The Thule Society (Thule Gesellschaft in German), named after a mythical country in the north, was one of the most famous occult groups that emerged in Germany about the year 1911.

How to get to the eagle's nest to get? Berchtesgaden, a beautiful city in Bavaria, only 45minute drive from Salzburg. E 'can also be reached by bus 840 and one train an hour from Salzburg. All buses in Berchtesgaden from the main bus station which is only few meters from the main building on the left. At Obersalzberg, take bus No. 838 or No. 849th So you must use one of the following buses to the Eagle's Nest. Good luck!

Eagle's Nest - The Nest of Hitler

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